Phnom Penh—H.E. OUK Samvithyea, Delegate of the Royal Government in charge as Director General of the National Social Security Fund (NSSF), Member of the National Road Traffic Safety Committee (NRTSC), and Chief of the Road Traffic Safety Team for Workers Prevention (RTSTWP), said that COVID-19 is the challenge that we must work together to contain; at the same time, the traffic accident is an important challenge ...
Phnom Penh—H.E. OUK Samvithyea, Delegate of the Royal Government in charge as Director General of the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) presided over in the internal meeting with all directors of departments and provincial-Khan branches of NSSF. In this morning, he certified precisely that as official and staff serving the NSSF members, we must build our capacity by continuing to raise more awareness of the laws and legal instruments involved with our operation with a view to fulfilling works for organization and society as a whole.
He added that as the civil servant, ...
Phnom Penh—H.E. HENG Sophannarith, Deputy Director General representing H.E. OUK Samvithyea, Delegate of the Royal Government in charge as Director General of the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) and Chairman of the ASEAN Social Security Association (ASSA) in the year 2020-2021, presided over the International Webinar on “Social Protection in the face of Digitalization and Economic Uncertainties” and said in this morning that the digitalization is ...
Phnom Penh—H.E. HENG Sophannarith, Deputy Director General representing H.E. OUK Samvithyea, Delegate of the Royal Government in charge as Director General of the National Social Security Fund (NSSF), led the technical officials to participate in the 2nd Social Security System Visioning Retreat to be held on 23-24 November 2021 at Raffles Hotel Le Royal, Phnom Penh.
This workshop mainly focused on the following points: ...
Phnom Penh—After hosting the 37th ASSA Board Meeting on “Expanding Social Security Coverage” on 9 December 2020, NSSF held an important webinar on “The Protection of Migrant Workers in South East Asia” ...