- Registration of Enterprises/Establishments and Workers
All employers or owners of enterprises/establishments under the scope of the Labour Law on Social Security Schemes for Persons Defined by the Provisions of the Labour Law shall be compulsory to register their own enterprises/establishments and workers in NSSF.
Defined periods of the registration of enterprises/establishments are as follows:
- The enterprise/establishment has been operating shall register in a qualifying period of 45 (forty-five) days after Prakas No. 021/08, dated 11 February 2008, on Registration of Enterprises/Establishments and Workers in the National Social Security Fund came into force.
- The enterprise/establishment operates following the date of Prakas No. 021/08, dated 11 February 2008, on Registration of Enterprises/Establishments and Workers in the National Social Security Fund came into force shall register in a qualifying period of 45 (forty-five) days following the date of the enterprise/establishment starts to operate.
All employers or owners of enterprises/establishments shall submit their worker lists to NSSF in a bid to register in NSSF. The worker list and the form of “Registration of Enterprise/Establishment” shall be submitted simultaneously.
- Procedures and Formalities of Registration of Enterprise/ Establishment and Workers
The registration of enterprise/establishment shall be done by the form of “Registration of Enterprise/Establishment” or form “1.01” as set forth in Annex 1 of Prakas. Every employer shall submit the “Certificate of Incorporation” issued by Ministry of Commerce along with form “1.01” or other equivalent legal documents.
The registration of workers shall comply with the following procedures and formalities:
- Enterprise/establishment registered in NSSF.
A1. Registration of workers shall be done by the form of “Registration of Workers” for issuing the NSSF membership card.
A2. NSSF will determine the date for registering workers at their enterprises/establishments.
A3. The employer or owner of an enterprise/establishment shall take responsibility to complete the correct information of his workers in the form of “Registration of Workers” and submit the completed forms together with some documents, such as Khmer identity card, passport, certificate of birth, family book, residential book, or relevant documents.
A4. NSSF will issue the identity code and the NSSF membership card to workers through their employers or representatives.
B. New registered enterprise/establishments
B1. Registration of enterprises/establishments and workers shall be done simultaneously.
B2. For the enterprise/establishment with 50 workers or more, NSSF will determine the date for registering them at their enterprise/establishment. The employer shall implement the obligation as set forth in A3 above.
B3. The enterprise/establishment with less than 50 workers, NSSF will determine the date for inviting workers or representative of workers to register in NSSF along with some documents as stipulated in A3 above after they complete the form of “Registration of Workers”.
B4. NSSF will issue the identity code and the NSSF membership card to workers through their employers or representatives.
- Identity of Enterprise/Establishment and Workers
NSSF shall issue identity code to each enterprise/establishment after receiving the form of the “Registration of Enterprise/Establishment”.
Every enterprise/establishment shall be granted the unique code, called “Certificate of Enterprise/Establishment Registration”. Every employer shall post the certificate of enterprise/establishment registration at the administration office of the enterprise/establishment.
After receiving the form “Registration of Workers”, NSSF shall provide the identity code and the NSSF membership card to the workers free of charge. The NSSF membership card shall be provided to the workers through their employer or owner of an enterprise/establishment.
In case of the loss or damage of the NSSF membership card, the persons concerned shall promptly inform their own employer and request a duplicate within at least 30 (thirty) days following the date of notification. Providing the duplicate to the persons concerned shall be required to pay 2,000 (two thousand) riels for NSSF.
1.3. Report of the Number of Workers
Every employer or owner of enterprise/establishment shall submit the monthly report of number of workers to NSSF evenly by 20th of the following month.
The payroll ledger shall be specified the total of workers in the reported month. The payroll ledger shall be submitted to NSSF possibly through “Hardcopy-Form” or “E-Form” together with the sending letter signed by the employers or owners of enterprises/establishments.
For the new worker does not have the NSSF membership card, the employer or owner of an enterprise/establishment shall have compulsory to send his new workers to register in NSSF no later than 03 (three) days after allowing them to start to work with the aim of receiving the NSSF membership card with 15 digits.