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  • The NSSF Governing Body Convenes the Eleventh Meeting for Its First Mandate to Discuss Some Planned Agenda

    Phnom Penh — After several meetings of the NSSF leaders and the Working Group on Legal Affairs of NSSF, H.E. Dr. ITH Samheng, Minister of Labour and Vocational Training and Chairman of the NSSF Governing Body, convened the meeting to review and revise the two draft Prakas, including (1) Draft Prakas on Formalities and Procedures of the Funerary Grant Provision of the Social Security Scheme on Pension for Persons Defined by the Provisions of the Labour Law and (2) Draft Prakas on Formalities and Procedures of the Registration of Enterprises/Establishments and Workers and the Contribution Payment for Persons Defined by the Provisions of the Labour Law.

    Speaking in the meeting this morning, H.E. Dr. ITH Samheng proposed to the members of the NSSF Governing Body to attentively review, discuss, and revise the above draft Prakas in strengthening the implementation of legal measures and mechanisms as well as maintaining transparency and promoting quality and effectiveness of the NSSF public services provision pursuant to the Law on Social Security Schemes.

    After the whole morning of the NSSF Governing Body’s meeting, the draft Prakas on Formalities and Procedures of the Funerary Grant Provision of the Social Security Scheme on Pension for Persons Defined by the Provisions of the Labour Law, consisting of 3 chapters and 7 articles, was wholly approved, while only 2 chapters and 7 articles of the draft Prakas on Formalities and Procedures of the Registration of Enterprises/Establishments and Workers and the Contribution Payment for Persons Defined by the Provisions of the Labour Law, consisting of 7 chapters and 22 articles, were done reviewing and revising, in which the remaining ones will be later discussed by the NSSF Governing Body.

    Meanwhile, His Excellency Minister also appreciated the hard efforts and good cooperation of the NSSF Governing Body as well as those of the NSSF leaders and officials. Although the COVID-19 pandemic is remaining, the NSSF leaders and officials still fulfil respective roles in providing public services with gentleness, morality, professional conscience, and high responsibility in accordance with the Labour and Vocational Training Strategic Plan 2019-2023.

    The above meeting was held at the Grand Meeting Room of the NSSF Headquarter with the presence of approximately 10 members of the NSSF Governing Body.