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  • Over 320 Member Institutions, Including NSSF of Cambodia, from 160 Different Countries Participate in a Significant Webinar

    Phnom Penh — On the evening of 10 March 2022, leaders and technical officials, representing the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) of Cambodia as the institution preparing to become a member of the International Social Security Association (ISSA), led by H.E. HENG Sophannarith, Deputy Director General of NSSF and the representative of H.E. OUK Samvithyea, Delegate of the Royal Government in charge as Director General of the National Social Security Fund (NSSF), participated in the significant webinar on “Extending Social Protection to Migrant Workers, Refugees, and Their Families: Guide for Policymakers and Practitioners.”

    According to His Excellency Deputy Director General, this webinar was focused on several main points such as (1) unpacking the barriers faced by migrant workers in accessing social protection in destination countries, and also upon return to their home countries, (2) presenting the different approaches in extending social protection to migrant workers and their families based on ILO international labour standards and international good practices, notably international social security agreements, (3) discussing the policy options presented in the Guide, based on country national actors’ experiences and national practices, and (4) presenting the perspectives of workers’ and employers’ organizations on the content of the guide and policy options.

    This webinar was organized by the International Social Security Association (ISSA) with the participation of over 320 ISSA member institutions from 160 different countries, ILO tripartite constituents, United Nations partner agencies, as well as NGOs, academia, and development partners.