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    Vietnam—H.E. Delegate of Royal Government in charge as Director of NSSF nominated 04 technical officials to attend the regional training course on Actuarial Analysis of Social Health Insurance Fund to be held in Hanoi, Vietnam.

    This training course aims to offer more training in relation to the actuarial analysis of social health insurance because the neighbor countries and the developed countries focus on it for social security system that is a sector paid high attention by the Royal Government and included in any policies and Rectangular Strategy Phase IV in order to reduce poverty and promote social welfare.

    This training course is responds to the requirement of building capacity of the national technical official related to the actuarial valuations for social health insurance as well as the use of actuarial knowledge for administration works. The training course focuses on main activities as follows:

    • To sensitize the country stakeholders on the importance to conduct actuarial valuations to asses and monitor the financial situation of social health insurance fund and inform policy decisions.
    • To provide a sound understanding of basic concepts, principles and key elements of actuarial valuations.
    • To guide health insurance data management in order to perform actuarial valuations and make recommendation for improving the quality of data.
    • To facilitate the understanding of actuarial reviews of national authorities and the translation of actuarial projections results into evidence-based policy development and administration.
    • To foster exchanges of experiences and practices among the four countries.

    It’s certified that this training course last 05 days from 04 to 08 October 2019 and was prepared by International Labour Organization (ILO) and sponsored by International Labour Organization (ILO) and GIZ. This training course is attended by 05 countries including Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam is the host country.