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  • 01 NSSF Technical Official of Cambodia Attended Training Course on Public Finance for Social Protection Analysts, Italy

    Italy—H.E. Delegate of Royal Government in charge as Director of the National Social Security Fund of the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training nominated 01 NSSF technical official to attend Training Course on Public Finance for Social Protection Analysts prepared by International Training Center of International Labour Organization (ITC/ILO) and sponsored by GIZ.

    This training course aims to provide practical skills to participants in the training course on Financial Valuation Options for Social Protection and Financing Plan Development for each country. The main characteristic of this training course is the integration of Public Finance Sector and Social Protection Sector.

    This training course also provided foundational knowledge of public finance including annual revenue collection, budget development, capacity building, and necessary skills for social protection analyst. It also includes some discoveries of social protection financing through contribution of employee and employer.

    It’s certified that this training course last 12 days from 07 to 18 October 2019 located in Turin, Italy, and taken part by representatives of government, social partner related to governance of social security institution, United Nation agency of Social Protection, NGO, and research institution related to social protection.