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    Preah Vihear—In Tuesday morning of 31 July 2018, the Preah Vihear NSSF branch officials of Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training facilitated and prepared documents for a postnatal female worker, Un Chantha, working in Hand Seven Apparel Co., LTD, delivered a baby in the Samdech Akka Moha Thomma Pothisal Chea Sim Health Center in order to allow  her to receive 400,000 riels of additional allowance and other benefits.

    In pursuance of the high recommendation of Samdech Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, from 01 January 2018, the formal and informal female workers registered in NSSF when deliver babies will get additional allowance of the Royal Government as follows:

    • One child = 400,000 riels.
    • Twin = 800,000 riels.
    • Triplet = 1,200,000 riels. This triplet will become the adopted children of Samdech Techo Hun Sen and receive 5,000,000 riels of allowance.

    To get additional allowance from the Royal Government, both postnatal formal and informal workers have to comply with the following instruction:

    1. The persons concerned shall attach Khmer identity card and personal phone number.
    2. The persons concerned shall attach the membership cards of National Social Security Fund or Health Equity Fund.
    3. The persons concerned or their relatives shall inform NSSF via hotline: 1286 when the person concerned received medical care services in the health facilities without the NSSF agents on standby.
    4. Health facilities shall collaborate with and provide information about delivery service to the NSSF branches in capital/provinces and Khan.

    It certifies that the female workers will be eligible to enjoy 90-day maternity leave and receive 120% of wage (70% from NSSF and 50% from owners of enterprises/establishments).