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    Sihanouk Ville— At 6:40 in Thursday morning on 10 May 2018, there was a traffic accident caused two deaths and one severe injury occurred on the national road 4 between milestones 205 and 206 located in Smachdeng Village, Ream Commune, Preynob District, Sihanouk Ville.

    The above accident was offended by a garbage truck driving at high speed carelessly into the city and then the truck slammed forcefully into the back of the victims’ motorcycle leading to the casualties—there are 3 passengers were driving Honda motorcycle in black color. After that, the truck driver fled safely from the accident scene, leaving behind the victims lying on the road shockingly. The three victims were identified as follows:

    1. Nen Vichea, 21 years old, living in Toul Tortoeng 1 Village, Toul Tortoeng Commune, Prey Noub District, Sihanouk Ville, died at the accident scene that the NSSF officials collaborated with his family to send the corpse to his hometown, Kampot province, in order to hold the funeral ceremony.
    2. Mey Vichet, 21 years old, living in Bot Korkei Village, Ou Oukha Heng Commune, Prey Noub District, Sihanouk Ville, was facilitated by the NSSF officials to receive emergency in the Sihanouk referral hospital; unfortunately, he was dead along the way to the hospital.
    3. Mao Toep, 31 years old, got severe injury was resuscitated in CT clinic.

    Those three victims worked in Jian Sin Household Product Factory located in the Sihanouk Ville Economic Zone, Bet Trang Commune, Prey Noub District, Sihanouk Ville.

    The in-patient will get the emergency and medical care services free of charge until recovery plus other allowances. The families of dead victims shall be granted 4,000,000 (four million) riels of funeral grant and survivors’ benefit by the National Social Security Fund of Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training.