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    Phnom Penh—On 23-27 May 2017 in the Office of Council of Minister, H.E. Ith Samheng, Minister of Labour and Vocational Training, designated H.E. Mom Vannak, Secretary of State, Mr. Ouk Samvithyea, Executive Director of the National Social Security Fund, and colleagues to participate in the inter-ministerial meeting in a bid to review the draft sub-decree on Conditions, Formalities, and Procedures of Benefit Provision of Occupational Risk for Public Employees and of Health Care for Public Employees, Former Civil Servants, and Veterans which was presided over by H.E. Soy Sokha, Secretary General of State of the Royal Government, and participated by all ministries involved.

    In the draft sub-decree on Conditions, Formalities, and Procedures of Benefit Provision of Occupational Risk for Public Employees and of Health Care for Public Employees, Former Civil Servants, and Veterans, there are 07 chapters with 28 articles in pursuance of Royal Kret No. NS/RKT/0217/078, dated 01 February 2017, concerning the Social Security Schemes on Occupational Risk for Public Employees and on Health Care for Public Employees, Former Civil Servants, and Veterans.

    The above objective aims to promote social welfare in order to ensure income security  to contribute to reduce poverty and promote social stability that NSSF has implemented social security schemes for persons defined by the provisions of the labour law—Occupational Risk, Health Care, and Pension Schemes; the pension scheme will be launched soon. To launch the social security schemes on Occupational Risk and Heath Care successfully and ensure the consistency of social protection in both public and private sectors, the Royal Government designated the authorized NSSF to administrate and launch the social security schemes on Occupational Risk for Public Employees and on Health Care for Public Employees, Former Civil Servants, and Veterans as from 2017 onwards. Therefore, the public employees, former civil servants, and veterans will have entitlement to receive medical care services when they suffer from work injury and health care services 24 hours/day in the health facility signed the agreement with NSSF.

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